The Tower Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career and Symbolism

The Tower is among the most powerful and life changing cards in the Major Arcana. It embodies sudden, unavoidable destruction in order to make space for new beginnings in the Papus Tarot system. This card appears when old, unstable, or obsolete elements that no longer serve a higher purpose need to be destroyed, irrespective of the individual’s preparedness.

The Tower is a force that does not negotiate. Its downfall comes with pain, but attempts to heal by removing the deep-rooted illusions, insecurities, and unhealthy attachments a person is trying to cling onto. It aims at transforming an individual’s life by pulling them out of their comfort zones and leading them to cultivate on unshakably laid and genuine ground.

This card discourages resisting decisive endings. The more one goes against change, the tougher the fall will be.

The Tower Tarot Card

The Tower embodies destruction of pre-existing structures, unwanted change, and crisis, which leads to clarity. In Papus’s philosophy, the Tower indicates that a false belief system, failing relationships, and control or unstable careers will all collapse on themselves after time, due to weak foundations.

The destruction of the Tower is painful, but not purposeless. The Tower’s elimination transforms illusions which do not aid the seeker and enables authentic transformational growth that realigns the seeker with their true purpose. The lesson of the Tower within these Tarot cards is that one must transform in order to rebuild stronger than they ever have before.

The Tower Keywords


  • Sudden upheaval
  • Loss
  • Destruction
  • Forced transformation
  • Crisis
  • Shocking revelations
  • Clearing the old
  • Breaking illusions
  • Karmic correction


  • Resistance to change
  • Denial
  • Delaying the inevitable
  • Fear of loss
  • Holding onto broken structures
  • Refusal to let go
  • Prolonged suffering

The Tower Description

In most decks, the Tower symbolises movement through a lightning struck tower. This depicts the unexpected energy the Tower brings. The Tower movement depicts people falling to symbolize the breakdown of illusions they have attached to themselves in order to shield themselves from the cruel and painful reality of the world.

Within the Papus Tarot tradition, the Tower movement acts as divine intervention to help step in to correct misalignments. It is known to show up after The Lovers, to push the narrative of making the wrong decision to force direction change.

When the Tower shows up, it is best to accept the destruction that comes with it, and stand by while the old collapses, allowing new energy to manifest.

The Tower Upright Meaning

The Tower General Interpretation Upright

An upright Tower means that there is some shocking disaster waiting to happen such as a breakup, firing, financial loss, or anything else that completely rocks a person’s worldview.

This is obviously a very painful process, yet it’s heavily required to remove feigned comfort, obsolete systems and structures, and deep-rooted illusions. If the process is resisted, then the suffering will only extend in time. The optimal course of action, rather, would be to give up and focus on the process of reformation.

The Tower in Love Upright

In relationship readings, the Tower heralds sudden breakups from relationships, clears betrayals, or comes with the realization that the partnership is no longer sustainable. It comes with the promise of change, but also forewarns that all pieces may come crashing down in the process.

For the singles, the Tower could suggest the blinding enlightenment of a short-lived romance or an unexpected discovery about prior relationships. Either way, it signifies a pronounced shift in the perception of love.

This shift provides an opportunity for deeper, more meaningful connections to be formed; an opportunity that is, quite paradoxically, difficult to embrace.

The Tower in Career Upright

With regards to work life, the Tower suggests job loss, terminations, bankruptcies, or even financial collapse. Should the position have been secured with false pretenses of comfort and misplaced expectations, then it will inevitably come crashing down.

Rather than viewing all of this as a setback, the Tower boldly motivates the individual to think of this as a unique chance to refocus and realign themselves with the career direction that they are at peace with.

The Tower in Health Upright

In a health reading the Tower signifies the risk of suffering from a chronic ailment, injury or heading down the slippery slope of major health problems. But primarily, it acts as a motivator by forcing individuals to put their health first in order to lead a positive life free of negative lifestyle choices.

The Tower in Personal Growth and Spirituality Upright

The Tower signifies an awakening in personal growth and spirituality. It is time to reminisce about the decade beliefs, illusions, and perspectives that are biased and are limiting the progress of the spiritual self. It may sound extreme, but it is purifying. It relieves the mind doesn’t having to fight against false pretenses and prepares it to undergo vigorous change that will yield true enlightenment.

At this time, you can throw caution to the wind and welcome unorthodox beliefs, abandon certain philosophers, and alter the imagining of reality without any worry about repercussions. While this phase of change may result in feelings of destabilization, it creates a stronger connection with the self and the universe.

The Tower Reversed Meaning

The Tower General Interpretation Reversed

The reversed Tower indicates being set in their ways not willing to adapt even if the change brings improvement. This shows that a person might willingly stay stuck in failing relationships, heartless jobs or overly pessimistic attitude towards life because they are afraid of exploration.

This setback may be viewed as permanence, but in reality it is a cycle which prolongs suffering. The Revising Tower encourages the seeker to willingly embrace change rather than be compelled into troublesome destruction.

The Tower in Love Reversed

In matters of love, a reversed Tower hints that a relationship is on the brink of collapsing, but one or both partners is choosing to not come to terms with the reality. Some element of denial, avoidance, or fear is present and must be dealt with first.

This card urges us to stop trying to cling to something that is clearly breaking and instead concentrate on accepting what must end and having some genuine discussions about it.

The Tower in Career Reversed

In more general aspects, the Tower reversed represents danger in a person’s career life. A reversed Tower in career spreads denotes the possibility of a job not serving its initial purpose and the person not wanting to make an effort to change that. The person might even be very unwilling to move on to another job while their current position is going downhill fast.

This card urges having a sound strategy and being flexible enough to change plans when needed instead of waiting until they break down entirely.

The Tower in Health Reversed

Ignoring any signs that suggest treatment is needed and choosing to procrastinate or simply act blind when it comes to taking care of one’s health are all indications of a reversed Tower in health readings. Seeking out the help of a specialist is a necessity before a disaster happens, and this card urges taking those necessary steps.

The Tower in Personal Growth and Spirituality Reversed

When it comes to personal growth or spirituality, the Tower appearing reversed indicates an unwillingness to transform. A stuck state is one where a person has outdated beliefs and simply refuses to make a change, causing them to drown in frustration and stagnation.

The Tower, when reversed, means to welcome the unexpected with open arms. Possessing real knowledge requires the willingness to shift, shift and accept new views even when they come into conflict with deeply held beliefs.


The Tower depicts the drastic shifts that happen within one’s life and the need for that person to demolish layers of their identity. While its energy is formless and at times destructive, the end goal of such energy is to make space for new possibilities by eliminating what is obsolete.

Through the Tower and its lessons, we surrender to change and are reborn stronger and in better alignment with our true purpose. It tells us that the most painful endings are also the ones that can lead to unfolding new beginnings.

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What is the advice of the Tower in Tarot cards?

Embrace changes. Let go of everything old and trust in new beginnings that are likely to blossom.

Is the Tower a positive card?

The Tower card is difficult, but with time leads to change and growth.

What is the Tower personality?

The Tower card shows a person going through a lot of change and coming out on the other side so they can utilize their full potential.

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