Temperance Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career and Symbolism

The Papus Tarot System depicts the Temperance card as a guide of balance, patience, and a progressive evolutionary process. With this card, one can notice life developing on its own without force. When it appears, it shows that life is moving forward but at a slower, sustainable pace. It invites you to understand that this is a time of peaceful change. A life with patience leads to success. Tremendous growth is possible offline and one must remain calm to enjoy the beauty of it.

There might not be any changes externally, but activity is bound to taking place on an inner level. It is crucial to flow alongside the waves of life with a perfect balance of action, emotion, and decision. This card shows patience leads to fulfillment in the long run.

Temperance Tarot Card

It indicates self-restraint moderation, and equilibrium. Temperance embodies all of those qualities. On numerous occasions, this card is interpreted as a sign of emotional balance, steady changes, spiritual connection, and personal growth. Moreover, steady, stable, and peaceful long-lasting success requires harmony among different aspects and relations.

As mentioned in the first paragraph, Temperance is often shown as an angel or figure mixing liquids between two cups, which represents integration and blending. The angel pouring liquids from one cup to another suggests gradual change, merging, and the process of life into one single pile.

Temperance Keywords


  • Balance
  • Patience
  • Harmony
  • Slow progress
  • Moderation
  • Steady growth
  • Emotional stability
  • Spiritual evolution
  • Divine timing
  • Inner peace


  • Urgency
  • Imbalance
  • Rushing into things
  • Conflict
  • Resistance to natural flow
  • Impatience
  • Overreaction
  • Lack of focus

Temperance Description

The Papus system mentions that it is a sign of maturity and preparation for their next action in life. Rather than taking action, it would be best to sit back and observe nature take its course. Patience is needed under all these circumstances, and the angel teaches you that nothing worthwhile comes easy—romance, work, and self-improvement all take time and rely upon strong foundations.

The towering figure of a woman comfortingly alerts us to a more measured approach towards life’s dilemmas when life is tilted to the side. Rest assured, every change will come, even if it needs to be taken in smaller steps. Not all changes are instant, but rather, they are all pieces to the larger puzzle.

Temperance Upright Meaning

Temperance General Interpretation Upright

Temperance indicates a progressive transformation and holistic development of oneself, signifying the far greater goal. It depicts a combination of stronger emotions and zeal to make things happen while continuing to stay humble. Several steps are needed for the journey towards achieving the bigger goal, and these steps may not always be visible right away in the form of actions or viewable results.

Emotional as well as self ambition requires alignment and calmness within oneself. The goal here is to keep ongoing aggression at bay, rather keeping an eye on process towards the goals and working relentlessly without losing focus in a mindful manner. Go ahead and take the steps towards the finish line, yet keep the aggression minimal so as to not shift from the goal.

Seeking a breakthrough is a perfect way to invite ongoing feelings of stagnation. A great suggestion here awaits from Temperance in the form of reduced worry signs, for everything is occurring one step beneath the brunt surface waiting for self reconciliation as magic to unfold. This does seek a period of self patience whilst the magic does its thing.

Temperance in Love Upright

In romantic relations, Temperance signifies balance, mutual reciprocity, patience and comfort towards each other making the relationship stable and wholesome, unlike deeply interconnected partners who feel the need to quench their romantic thirst with fierce love filled passion loving gestures. This card talks about a shared deep emotional rooted commitment combined with long term security.

In case you are looking for a boost of confidence, the perfect remedy for that awaits with this card. Instead of focusing on relationships, seek the ones which strengthen self weakness in various aspects catering towards personal growth like emotional and psychological strength.

In relationships, the card indicates the need to spice things up by experiencing new activities together and reigniting the lost spark in their love life. All said and done, it is vital to understand that while safety is important in a relationship, so is adventure and emotional strength.

Temperance in Career Upright

At the workplace, professional life is moving along progressively, as the card indicates. During this period, it is best not to make any abrupt shifts, but rather work on perfecting existing competencies and systems to enhance productivity in the long run.

This card supports the idea that even if a certain project or objective is not moving as quickly as one may expect it to, it is still extremely important to stay committed and loyal to the course. What truly matters is the grade of tireless effort being put in and then having faith in the outcome.

This card also highlights the creation of effective and durable outcomes in business where partners can combine different ideas and skills and lead to successful innovation.

Temperance in Health Upright

With regards to health, the card portrays self-restraint and balance in all things. It inspires the individual to take a well-rounded view of life so that health does not suffer due to one-sided focus on mental, emotional and physical aspects.

This card encourages us to pay special attention to one’s body since extremes in diet, physical activities, or way of living are injurious. It signifies self-restoration over time wherein offering a steady level of effort will earn a strong progressive outcome. This type of card denotes a shift to better health and improvement over time.

Temperance in Personal Growth and Spirituality Upright

Finally, in a more spiritual sense, Temperance is an encouraging card and harmony within the self. It suggests one is in a stage of their life where wisdom, emotional strength, and positive embrace of the flow of life comes together.

The tranquil demeanor of this card promotes self-awareness while dealing with challenges that require immense patience. This reflects a unique personal change that occurs in shallow but impactful manners.

Temperance Reversed Meaning

Temperance General Interpretation Reversed

When reversed, this card suggests imbalance and lack of urgency. It appears as if someone is rushing into situations which require a certain timing or effort to yield results.

This card is a reminder to not let temporary frustration bother you because that can stall any process of progress you are trying to make. This card suggests taking a deep inhale and letting go to release all the tension and self-correct yourself.

Temperance in Love Reversed

There are challenges, misunderstandings, or attempts to keep things under control which result in a significant disharmony affectionately, this is what the reversed Temperance indicates. The disharmony could escalate further still due to emotional overload.

For single people the reversed Temperance suggests that self work is essential before looking out for partners. Working on communication and trust would perform wonders if practiced by couples.

Temperance in Career Reversed

The overindulgence, which brings a lot of stress professionally, is a concern that this card brings attention to. The pressure of achieving great things can lead to burnout or mistakes if one does not sustain balance.

Adjusting focus from speed to quality would be beneficial. Aligning actions to long term goals while taking a step back would help greatly.

Temperance in Health Reversed

Mentally one should take care of themselves which is what this card calls attention to. There is a line between trying too hard to achieve great things and proper rest and self-care.

Reversed, the movement of Temperance urges for more overall wellbeing. Caring for the body along with physical and mental rest is important.

Temperance in Personal Growth and Spirituality Reversed

Reversed, Temperance signifies disengagement in the spiritual aspect and psychological disarray which depicts that there is a lack of inner peace or an active refusal. There is also the possibility of feeling exasperated with self progress that appears to either be stagnant or seek validation externally instead of internally trusting one’s intuition.

It serves as a prompt to reconnect with your sense of self, which allows spiritual progress to take place. Rather than trying to swim against the current, work to restore internal balance through meditation, journaling, and other exercises that move one toward peace.


The Temperance strengths and growth in one’s ability to be patient, move forward steadily, remain cognizant of details and seek balance in all ways. Be it in regard to relationships, work, health, self or personal growth, it makes it clear that everything has its time in relation to when they perfectly unfold.

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What is the advice of the Temperance in Tarot cards?

It signifies balance, patience and slow but steady progress, reminding us to trust life and all that it has to offer.

Is the Temperance a positive card?

Yes, it also signifies harmony, stability, and ongoing balanced personal development and urges for a balanced approach to everything.

What is the Temperance personality?

Yes, actively try to distort all chances of doubt, apprehension and try to be in sync with the universal energies.

About Me

Every day we help people to find themselves, to create inner supports, to be more conscious and happier. We offer everyone the opportunity to find their balance between the spiritual and the material and to develop harmoniously in all areas of life. With us, people discover creative energy, gain the courage to be themselves and live with ease and joy.