The Devil Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career and Symbolism

The Devil is one of the most powerful and cautionary cards in the Papus Tarot system. The Devil signifies bondage, unhealthy attachments, addictions, and the illusion of powerlessness. The Devil warns that when he shows up in a reading, it means someone is being controlled. One is being controlled by something or someone externally as well as internally under a struggle which does not let them have free will.

She often boldly says carbs are not her enemy. More often than not, they highlight destruction. In relationships, work, finance, or personal habits, they pinpoint carbs as harmful attachments. Temptation comes in many forms, and in your case, these lean towards carbs. Dev note teaches an important lesson. Guilt, when free of ignorance, enables one to defeat challenges.

The very first step towards liberation of self is understanding the reasoning behind our restrictions. Admittedly, this card does come off with a completely negative connotation, however, it is a great opportunity to attempt making space and acknowledging the toxic cycles.

The Devil Tarot Card

The Devil card shows self-restriction, reliance, and temptation. Unlike all the other cards, the associated hurdles with the Devil relate directly to self-restriction. This relates to doubt within, or even fear and attachments that are unhealthy, which prevent one from tapping into their full capabilities.

This card reveals the overreaching aspects of life where some power has been handed over unwillingly. You could be under the hold of some form of addiction, societal expectations, toxic relationships, or financial issues. Nonetheless, the Devil has the power to uncover everything single handedly. But these external factors do not actually allow the sense of choice. Once acknowledged, they can be resolved.

The Devil Keywords


  • Addiction
  • Obsession
  • Control
  • Dependency
  • Destructive patterns
  • Temptation
  • Materialism
  • Manipulation
  • Power struggles


  • Awareness
  • Breaking free
  • Regaining control
  • Overcoming addictions
  • Releasing fears
  • Detachment
  • Reclaiming power

The Devil Description

The Devil card is often very vividly portrayed as a person with horns holding two chained people. The chains are symbolic of the captivity to negative habits, people, or bonds. Most often, the chains are loose which can have double meaning. One, indicates captivity resides within the mindset, and two, that willed freedom is just a choice away.

In Papus system, the Devil speaks of the internal conflict between the subconscious and free will. It serves as a reminder that self-awareness is vital. Claiming that it is all in your head can only take you so far. In order to be truly empowered, one has to be willing to accept the cause, and take action to break free from it.

The Devil Upright Meaning

The Devil General Interpretation Upright

The fact that the Devil appeared upright serves as a caveat. It shows that someone could be trapped in a loop of negative behaviors or unhealthy dependencies. These dependencies can show themselves as feelings of being stuck in toxic relationships, having destructive addictions, or allowing fear-based thinking to rule one’s life. Financial struggles which come when materialism is taken too far or spending is careless also fall under the category of these dependencies. In other words, self-awareness is highly essential in order to escape from the limitations put by the Devil.

The Devil in Love Upright

The Devil suggests constructions of unhealthy dependency dyads, control, and forms of relationships that encourage codependency. This card can describe passion combined with obsession which creates an imbalanced relationship and manipulative dynamics. If relationships feel too overwhelming or restraining, it could suggest reevaluation as the relationship may be inhibiting personal growth.

For those in search of love, the Devil serves as a red flag against relationships created out of desperation, expectations, or a need for validation. Love needs respect and trust in order to grow and thrive, not submission.

The Devil in Career Upright

In the case of one’s job, the Devil depicts being cornered at a job for money or out of fear of relocation. This can imply rather dark offices that accept bickering and other unpleasant things. This card is also capable of bringing to light any excessive devotion that neglects personal and medical issues. The most important lesson is to understand where boundaries are set and take conscious action towards regaining authority on career decisions.

The Devil in Health Upright

The Devil cardinal in health readings is a caution regarding both health and psychological damage as the result of self-destructive behaviors. Such damaging activities could be working excessively, not taking care of oneself, or even having bad coping tactics like drugs or poor food selection. The card suggests a better balance for one’s well-being and facing the truth over the negative patterns before it is too late.

The Devil in Personal Growth and Spirituality Upright

From a spiritual perspective, the Devil is a representation of deception and mental slavery. It insinuates that someone could be overly preoccupied with materialism, focusing on reputation, or even self-sustaining fears. This particular card urges you to redefine boundaries and obstacles imposed by society and take full charge of one’s life.

The Devil Reversed Meaning

The Devil General Interpretation Reversed

When The Devil appears reversed, this indicates that a person is on the verge of succumbing to dependency, but has still resisted. It is a vital stage of enlightenment where one still has the ability to fight against the unhealthy entrapments. He is observing, fully prepared to take control, but the individual still has the power to disengage and make an informed decision. The card has an implication of perpetual internal conflict which signifies being tested— be it surrendering to temptation or mustering the willpower to escape.

The Devil in Love Reversed

In reverse, the Devil in a love spread warns of the presence of a relationship that is very close to turning toxic. A shift in level of claustrophobically controlling, emotional gaslighting, or a deeply rooted fear of solitude accepting unhealthy relationships can turn out to be troubling. The Devil states that one must take a step back, there is a chance to save someone from potential emotional harm if the boundaries set within love and attachment are confronted on time.

The Devil in Career Reversed

With respect to one’s career, the Devil reversed could mean that the essence of one’s work is spiraling out of control. In an unchecked work culture, this could hint at overambition, an unethical workplace, or an authoritarian manager, all of which serve as a warning sign on one’s personal autonomy. The message is straightforward: understand where power dynamics are turning toxic and take proactive measures; otherwise, the professional consequences will be monumental.

The Devil in Health Reversed

In terms of health, the Devil reversed indicates a host of hazardous actions stealthily making their way into your routines. It warns against self-neglect, overindulgence, and ignoring both physical and mental issues that require attention. The focus is toward analyzing a person’s lifestyle choices to ward off any muddles in one’s health. The undertone here is to fix a problem before it escalates.

The Devil in Personal Growth and Spirituality Reversed

On a spiritual level, the Devil in reverse represents a reluctance to change. The individual understands that certain beliefs or negative people exist that need to be dealt with but fails to take any affirmative steps. This card is a call to action; take action to change your life completely or be prepared to take a deeper plunge into what can only be described as self-destructive behavior. To truly be free requires immense bravery and one’s decision to intentionally not stick to what is comfortable, which is sometimes very hard.


The Devil serves as a powerful reminder that we can choose at any time to let go of external relationships that are controlling us destructively be it career, relationships, or any other aspect of life. Everything that guarantees you take back control is awareness and that is the only thing we are not escaping.

If you are in need of a deeper understanding, the Moonly app is there to offer insightful daily Tarot tips, lunar lore, and other meditation resources that will help you deal with life’s hurdles. This app allows the user to help themselves through means of empowerment rather than forcing themselves to fall into bad cycles.

With Moonly, you can get custom Tarot readings, monitor your energy phases, and practice spirituality that calls for self-awareness. Understanding the Devil’s reminders allows one to let go of old patterns and make choices that lead to increased freedom and clarity.

Download Moonly today, take charge, and start moving towards a brighter and more gratifying tomorrow.


What is the advice of the Devil in Tarot cards?

Identify and break patterns of negative behaviour, cut unhealthy bonds and dispel self-defeating thoughts.

Is the Devil a positive card?

There is a warning of negative phases, but also the chance of them using that for reflection and change.

What is the Devil personality?

An individual under the Devil’s influence can either be domineering, powerful, or addicted towards something which can deeply alter them in different ways.

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Every day we help people to find themselves, to create inner supports, to be more conscious and happier. We offer everyone the opportunity to find their balance between the spiritual and the material and to develop harmoniously in all areas of life. With us, people discover creative energy, gain the courage to be themselves and live with ease and joy.