This card depicts movement, victory, and uncontrolled drive. In the Papus Tarot system, it describes having life move at a greater pace after making an important soul-aligned choice. This particular Major Arcana card signifies strength of will and overcoming struggles in order to achieve desired goals. Moreover, it symbolizes victory.
The Chariot appearing in a reading serves as an indication that one is in a stage of advancement. However, it serves as a reminder that direly resisting or slowing down an ongoing phase will lead to missing chances. Whether it is love, career or self-development, the Chariot urges one to accept the pace and take beneficial action. Now, let’s go deeper into the meaning of this powerful card and how these can be applied in different areas of your life.
The Chariot Tarot Card
The Chariot represents control, movement, and direction. This card represents a potent notion of a destiny in motion within the Papus system; achieving the goal of an integrated self leads life to accelerate with the utmost circumstances set for growth.
The Chariot is depicted by the imagery of a man ‘the charioteer’ Who rides on top of a chariot with horses or Sphinxes as its pull. These components of the card depict the dual forces of logic, action, intuition, and the middle point between light and darkness. To be able to guide opposite poles means there is enabling power over a charioteer and the challenges that are set on his way. In a clear sense, he can progress freely.
This card is not only a combination of external accomplishment or achievement, but it also incorporates internal self consolidation and an adequate amount of willpower to meet challenges head-on with resolve, ambition, and action.
The Chariot Keywords
- Momentum
- Victory
- Control
- Determination
- Progress
- Success
- Acceleration
- Focus
- Resistance
- Stagnation
- Overwhelm
- Lack of direction
- Missed opportunities
- Hesitation
- Avoidance
The Chariot Description
In contrast with other decks, in the Papus Tarot deck the Chariot card shows two sphinxes, or horses pulling the Chariot to represent the opposing forces of victory. That way, balance can be achieved.
The underlying message of the card is the value of voice. In comparison to other cards, this one illustrates the idea of drastic success and progress. Opportunities surface constantly without any sign of pause. The moment is indeed blissful, but overwhelming at the same time. The Chariot offers wisdom that the exceeded control set during this phase can create chaos.
In the Papus system, the Chariot carries deeper meanings as well. It symbolizes the acceleration of destiny. Life will now fast forward bringing you the experiences and lessons needed for growth when the right choices are made and the soul’s purpose is identified.
The Chariot Upright Meaning
The Chariot General Interpretation Upright
With the Chariot situated vertically, it implies a period of success and rapid development. Opportunities are abundant and many things seem to be happening at once. This card indicates that the necessary decisions were made in the past, and now one is enjoying the benevolence of life.
Perhaps you happen to be in a part of your life where you are progressing personally at an astonishing degree.
The Chariot impels you to remember, as life races forward, you must strive to maintain focus and keep control of the Chariot wheel. This is not a phase where you should consider putting your feet up or becoming indecisive; it is a time to act and boldly capitalize on each and every opportunity presented to you.
The Chariot in Love Upright
In terms of love, The Chariot upright indicates movement within a relationship or a flurry of activity in your social life. This likely means you are currently in a fulfilling relationship or that someone important is about to come into your life.
If you are in a romantic relationship, consider taking steps towards that commitment. This might involve moving in together or coming up with other plans that strengthen the relationship.
People who are single, you might be about to meet someone new. This person will most likely come into your life unexpectedly and has the potential to transform your life. The Chariot tends to signify a relationship that moves from zero to a hundred real quick.
The Chariot in Career Upright
In the workplace context, success tends to fleet around your presence. New opportunities range from easily achievable goals to rapid promotions that take you to places you would never imagine, and the Chariot indicates overflowing delight twinkling at your side.
This card advises you to take the beneficial leap because waiting will result in a dead end tunnel.
Even while these new pathways are opening up, remember to stay grounded. You could find all the motivation you need to accomplish your goals, but don’t take your eye off the objective in front of you. Very few people can say they fulfilled their new years resolutions, but you can be one of them if you keep your goals in focus.
The Chariot in Health Upright
The upright position of the Chariot suggests an improvement in health conditions. You are presumed to be in a phase of rapid improvement and you feel energetic. This card tells you to utilize this period to change your lifestyle for the better.
For instance, you may get the urge and motivation to follow a specific exercise plan or eat better. The Chariot also reminds you to remain focused so that you do not lose sight of accomplishing your goals while life accelerates around you.
The Chariot in Personal Growth and Spirituality Upright
The Chariot enables you to grow personally and spiritually. It represents a period of quick development and expansion where you are able to achieve your goals in a shorter amount of time.
The Chariot Reversed Meaning
The Chariot General Interpretation Reversed
In its reversed position, the Chariot indicates a form of resistance and stagnation. Those overwhelmed by the changes around them may wish to slow things down. This card should encourage you to take a break, but only for a moment. Though in the long run it would help more to go along with the pace of life, rather than fighting against it.
The Chariot card reversed reminds you to take action and leverage offered opportunities. For instance, you could be avoiding a major decision or procrastinating with an important project.
The Chariot in Love Reversed
In a more romantic context, the Chariot reversed indicates that one might be avoiding the pace of the ongoing relationship. This means that one could be trying to take next steps in their relationship, yet find themselves slow down doing so.
The Chariot reversed suggests you voice and express your concerns, most importantly, find a middle ground.
The Chariot in Career Reversed
In a career context , the Chariot reversed depicts straying possibilities and aimlessness. It seems as if you may be feeling overworked, you are trying to fight the productivity but this card says to you – if you do not change the way you are approaching work, you will feel ‘stuck’.
The Chariot reversed begs you to shift into action, with your hands open, ready to embrace everything that has the potential to come.
The Chariot in Health Reversed
In terms of wellness, the Chariot reversed serves as a warning. A little shift in your lifestyle is required. You may be changing your energy and forgetting to pay attention to specific signs.
The Chariot reversed serves as a reminder that circumstances will only worsen the more you choose to postpone that changing action.
The Chariot in Personal Growth and Spirituality Reversed
As the title suggests, the Chariot reversed, implies that you are shying away from tackling fears and progressively growing. Use this card as motivation to confront your fears and appreciate the forms where change can take place.
The Chariot Tarot is a vivid reminder that every step of our lives is a journey and every single one of our decisions impacts it. Regardless of whether it is upright or reversed, this card motivates you to seize every opportunity that comes your way.
If you want to know what it means to you personally Moonly app can help. Moonly offers daily personalized Tarot readings, insightful information, and a myriad of resources to aid you in your spiritual quest. Moonly’s self-discovery and growth features include daily tarot reading, lunar cycle tracking, meditations, and energy work tips.
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What is the advice of the Chariot in Tarot cards?
Make the most out of every opportunity you see. Leverage the strength and the momentum you have, don’t let it go to waste.
Is the Chariot a positive card?
The Chariot in its upright position stands for progress and victory so yes, it is indeed a great card.
What is the Chariot personality?
The Chariot symbolizes a powerful and focused individual who knows how to attain their goals effortlessly.