The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career and Symbolism

The Lovers card, like the rest, is one of the most complex and captivating elements of a tarot deck. Within the Papus Tarot system, it encompasses choice, balance with oneself, and the delicate dance of the individual and societal components of the psyche. This Major Arcana card shows that life is a multitude of choices, and each choice has a consequence which leads towards your destiny.

When the Lovers card appears it is best to trust your inner wisdom and make choices that best serve you. This beloved card indicates that you should follow your instincts and emotions when making tough decisions regarding love, career, or personal development. Now, let’s take a closer look at the Lovers card and how it affects different aspects of your life.

The Lovers Tarot Card

The Lovers card reflects the ideals of balance, interdependence and choice. In Papus system, this card represents the evolution of each soul and that every action taken by the individual propels them closer to their higher self.

The Lovers card most often presents two personas signifying one of the human condition which is the individual program that symbolizes the path of an individual’s soul and the social program that embodies one’s relationships with other people. An angel or some other divine figure above signifies higher guidance and makes us aware of the fact that our choices extend beyond the personal and into the spiritual realm.

It depicts something deeper than romantic love, as many people presume. It’s really about alignment, meaning that it represents the alignment of actions to the soul purpose, relationships to values, and one’s life to the real self.

The Lovers Keywords


  • Choice
  • Alignment
  • Soul purpose
  • Harmony
  • Union
  • Heart-centered decisions
  • Spiritual love
  • Balance
  • Higher guidance


  • Indecision
  • Avoidance
  • Misalignment
  • Conflict
  • Superficial choices
  • Fear of commitment
  • Procrastination
  • Inner turmoil

The Lovers Description

The Lovers card in Papus Tarot deck is portrayed as two figures standing beneath a symbol of divinity that is often an angel or a sun, which represents the Union of the Two People. It represents the marriage of opposites, which necessitates the unity of personal needs with social obligations.

The card’s central focus is about decision making. Choice reflects the point in time when we are presented with two distinct choices: one that follows our social program that is rather convenient or what is approved of or expected and another that is aligned with our individual program, which is what deeply resonates with our heart and soul.

The Lovers Upright Meaning

The Lovers General Interpretation Upright

Indicating the second key aspect of the Lovers, upright, depicts a point where one has to make a decision between two paths. One path is aligned with the social expectations and norms whereas the other is a manifestation of the authentic journey your soul intends to undertake.

There is always a fork in the road and choosing one is never easy. It is also true that, at the first selection, the individual program might require more effort than appears reasonable compared to the social program. On the other hand, the individual program is likely to be the one which will score highest in true fulfillment and alignment with one’s deeper purpose.

The card also reminds us that every choice has a consequence. The consequences of a decision may have a quite deeper impact than what one anticipates. For instance, going for the social program may satisfy on the surface, but one’s true self and life purpose could be lying vacant at a distant, so- called destination.

The Lovers in Love Upright

With regard to romance, the Lovers upright denotes a loving bond either built on romance or friendship, or it may be a platonic or spiritual relationship. This card tells you to actively take care of this bond and make choices that respect the love you possess.

When it comes to matters of the heart, if you are currently single, the Lovers hints at a fateful encounter that will profoundly shape the spiritual side of your journey. This person may challenge you to grow and evolve, but the relationship will be deeply transformative.

For those in a relationship, the Lovers encourages you to make choices that strengthen your bond. Avoid taking other forms of commitments which also means spending less time on ‘socializing’ which may disrupt the nature of your connection.

The Lovers in Career Upright

In a career context, the Lovers marks a period of critical decision making. Perhaps you have two offers, two different fields you want to enter, or two different types of positions you wish to hold. This card wants you to know that you should always take the option that resonates with your heart and passion.

This card also indicates the need for harmony within your work. It’s not so much about going with the right decision, but rather planning the ideal combination of your work and family life.

The Lovers in Health Upright

The Lovers upright suggests that everything about health seems alright. It suggests that you are taking a step towards complete wellness. This card expects you to take actions that benefit you both physically and spiritually.

The Lovers reminds you to be attentive to your body and take care of factors which affect it. It can also mean that one decides to live in a healthier way, undergo holistic treatment, or simply rest and recuperate.

The Lovers in Personal Growth and Spirituality Upright

The Lovers represents spiritual development. It guides you to make decisions that best suit your life purpose and have faith in the decisions you make internally. This card alerts you that having important changes in one’s life is not easy, but the heart’s desire must always be heeded.

The Lovers Reversed Meaning

The Lovers General Interpretation Reversed

In its reversed position, the Lovers indicates the state of confusion and evasion. You may be keeping both possibilities available for you, yet there are signals that state ‘more to be lost than gained.’

The card also points out that choice/counter choice will produce psychological unrest combined with paralysis. The longer you postpone taking action will make it more difficult to do so and will complicate the aftermath.

The Lovers in Love Reversed

In love, the Lovers reversed suggests that the fears of conflict are too strong, causing avoidance of commitment or a tough decision. This can lead to a phobia of emotional closeness as well as an unwillingness to decide between two different partners.

The Lovers in Career Reversed

In terms of a career, the Lovers has been changed as an indicator of a lack of commitment and actively avoiding responsibilities. You might find yourself stuck in a position or a career that does not give you any joy, but you are hesitant to do anything about it.

The Lovers in Health Reversed

When it comes to well-being, the Lovers gives a warning to act regarding your position of focus. Whether it is ignoring symptoms or just not doing anything at all, this card reminds you that self-care should take priority.

The Lovers have now altered to serve as a reminder that a person’s well-being is something only they can take action towards, the earlier the action is taken the better it will be after all.

The Lovers in Personal Growth and Spirituality Reversed

The Lovers suggest that the phobia toward conflict on a deeper level of spirituality is far too high. Doing so also serves to free yourself from the grip of the Lovers card, which encourages you to take action that would enable you to overcome the challenges that are blocking you from your higher self.

The Lovers reversed invites you to surrender to the challenge, as difficult as it may be, knowing full well that it will reveal a more comprehendible and fulfilling truth.


This card encourages you to make choices in life which reflect your innermost sentiments and that are for your higher purpose. The Lovers keeps in mind that life consists of many choices, each of which can potentially draw you nearer to your higher purpose. As you make heart-centered choices, know that your intuition will guide you towards a loving, fulfilling, and spiritually abundant life.

The Moonly application allows you to obtain specific interpretations with additional insights such as tips, energy work, meditations, as well as guidance into self-discovery. Apart from all this, it also gives daily Tarot readings which allows users to gain unique insights and tips, as well as do the needed meditation, energy work, and guided self-discovery. These resources help individuals maximize their spiritual potential, which is central to the app’s purpose.

The Lovers serves to remind us that every decision we make has the potential to draw us closer to our greater purpose. Download Moonly today to unearth the every day mysteries the cards hold for you.


What is the advice of the Lovers in Tarot cards?

With the Lovers card at your disposal, self-reflection at the very depths of your soul isn’t far away.

Is the Lovers a positive card?

This guide pinpoints mental clarity, aiding you in a sea of potential options that could enhance your way of living, the Lovers being one.

What is the Lovers personality?

The Lovers depicts an individual who is always striving to remain connected and in sync with others.

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Every day we help people to find themselves, to create inner supports, to be more conscious and happier. We offer everyone the opportunity to find their balance between the spiritual and the material and to develop harmoniously in all areas of life. With us, people discover creative energy, gain the courage to be themselves and live with ease and joy.