When life hands you lessons that require you to grapple with your core beliefs, transcend, and cultivate relationships, you are dealing with the energy of the Pope (Hierophant). The Hierophant, or the Pope in other traditions, is a Major Arcana Tarot card which personifies someone who is deeply rooted in practicality and is often a teacher of life lessons. A Pope is not merely a hierarch of the church in the Papus Tarot System. He is also a representation of the lessons that one must learn in this life. He stands for soul evolving, and the “papal union”. A connection that is formed when two or more people are bound by a single experience in which they are forced to grow.
If you are wondering what lessons you need to learn about love, career, and personal reflection, the Pope card implores you to accept the teachings of life. We are reminded that most of the times, that which challenges us nurtures us as well. And the strangers that come into our lives often serve as a reflection of all that we need to learn. Let us now understand the layers of this card that make it so powerful.
The Pope Tarot Card
The Pope card in the Papus system is one of the most important cards representing spiritual learning, customs, and teachings. He signifies the importance of overcoming relationships and situations in order to aid one’s soul in evolution.
The Pope serves as the link between humans and the divine, supporting us in achieving unparalleled enlightenment. Papus Tarot has placed an emphasis on the karmic and soul aspects of this card unlike other Tarot systems that concentrate solely on the institution or religion. Traditions are not the only aspect of importance; the higher purpose alignment requires an internal lesson too.
The Pope Keywords
- Spiritual growth
- Destiny lessons
- Papal union
- Mutual learning
- Breaking stereotypes
- Soul evolution
- Sacred bonds
- Karmic connections
- Avoiding lessons
- Resistance to growth
- Escaping challenges
- Superficial connections
- Stagnation
- Fear of commitment
- Ignoring destiny’s call
The Pope Description
In the Papus Tarot, the Pope (or Hierophant) is shown as an astute person, often sitting on a throne personifying authority, with a scepter or staff that shows spiritual supremacy. He embodies the link between the divine and the human guiding us towards elevated wisdom.
The card often depicts the image of two people kneeling before the Pope, depicting the papal union, a relationship or bond where two people are meant to teach and learn from each other. This type of bond is usually quite complex; there is a great deal of conflict, resistance, and the need to cleanse oneself of outdated modes of functioning. With the Pope, we try to recall that the pain we go through in these bonds is important for the lessons we absorb through them. They are incredible and essential for one’s soul growth.
The Pope Upright Meaning
The Pope General Interpretation Upright
This card in an upright position suggests the existence of people and circumstances in your life that facilitate your ascension on an emotional or spiritual level or rather the pointer to a papal union, a marriage in which two individuals are formed to teach each other important lessons one way or the other.
Such a bond can be established through love, friendship, or business partnerships. What is important is that every single one of us learns from one another with the other person equally contributing something to said relationship.
The Pope in Love Upright
In matters of love, the Pope symbolizes an intertwined bond that is both spiritual and karmic in nature. Both parties are destined to evolve together. It could be a new relationship or even a new phase of an existing relationship which concentrates on the focus of mutual evolution.
If you are single and not currently seeing anyone, the Pope indicates that you may come in contact with a person who is going to be a vital part of your spiritual evolution. This individual might question your beliefs and push you out of your comfort, yet the relationship has its earmarks of transformation.
If you are already in a relationship, the Pope is asking you to appreciate the lessons that the partner is teaching you. These lessons could be in the form of changing oneself or learning new ways of interacting and building trust with each other and being there through the difficult times.
The Pope in Career Upright
Within a business context, the Pope represents the period of learning due to a career change. It can also indicate a shift to learning how to perform in a new position because they could be in a position where they have to lead or mentor someone that is more junior than them. This card inspires you to take advantage of those moments regardless of whether they appear intimidating at first.
Judging from the documents’ interpretation, when considering a promotion or new job opportunity, a mentor or instructor is likely to present themselves to assist you. Keep an open mind to learn from their experience.
The Pope in Health Upright
Here, this card tells us that, when the Pope card appears, it usually indicates that health concerns are being dealt with, so it is encouraging for the person dealing with their health. This suggests you are progressing towards greater balance. Both physically and spiritually, this card encourages self-care, so perhaps increasing the level of attention to little practices requiring very little effort can help.
The Pope in Personal Growth and Spirituality Upright
The Pope greatly shapes spiritual development. It promotes accepting the lessons life has to offer and viewing every hurdle as an opportunity for growth. This card assures you that authentic progression usually results from discomfort, and the people you connect with are mirrors that exhibit what needs to be absorbed.
The Pope Reversed Meaning
The Pope General Interpretation Reversed
There is a lack of willingness to accept the lessons of papal union in its reversed position. The Pope tells you in some way to engage with the lesson or risk not moving forward with your journey. You might feel like you’re running away from a troublesome relationship or situation but this card indicates you need to address all these issues because they matter for your soul’s evolution.
The Pope in Love Reversed
In love, the Reversed Pope suggests that you are shying away from the teachings of a relationship. This can take the form of commitment issues, avoidance of communication, and stunted growth as a couple.
The Pope in Career Reversed
In a business setting, the Pope card reversed denotes the absence of guidance, supervision, or authority figures. You may feel lost and unsure where to go. This card advises you to find a mentor or teacher to help you develop.
For instance, you may be in a position where your contributions are not appreciated but prefer to do nothing rather than seek help. The Pope card reversed tells you to ask for the help that is available out there.
The Pope in Health Reversed
As for health, the Pope card reversed says that you need to listen more to your body and mental state. You could be ignoring important symptoms or changes which could offer vital improvements to your lifestyle choices.
For example, you may feel stress but decide to ignore it. The Pope card reversed always encourages action towards self-care proactivity.
The Pope in Personal Growth and Spirituality Reversed
The Pope card reversed asserts that one is avoiding the essential changes and lessons life has to offer. This card is here and asks you to face your situations and circumstances and the discomforts which come with them and the lessons they offer is nothing to be afraid of.
For example, you could be putting off approaching a delicate subject or an unresolved personal matter. The Pope reversed asks you to act and gain from the outcomes.
The Pope (Hierophant) Tarot card is there to remind you that life’s struggles are actually areas for improvement. This card encourages you to learn the lessons presented to you and to look at each relationship as a life lesson irrespective of how it is placed.
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What is the advice of the Pope in Tarot cards?
The Pope advises you to learn the lessons life presents to you, challenges included, to see them as areas for improvement.
Is the Pope a positive card?
Yes, in its upright position, the Pope is a very positive card, symbolizing spiritual growth and destiny lessons.
What is the Pope personality?
A collective oriented wise individual committed to both personal and group development gives credibility to tradition.