Papessa (High Priestess) Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career and Symbolism

The High Priestess is a card that helps you realize that there is another world beyond the visible world, hidden from the eyes. She represents inner wisdom, intuition, deep secret knowledge that is only available to those who are willing to perceive it. The Priestess is not a bearer of solutions, rather, serves as a pathfinder to self realization through one’s instincts and inner monologue. Each card in the Elder Arcana holds a key moment in real life, it could either be crucial or foretelling, and that is the role of the Papess as well – providing guidance that enables self reflection without doing too much dependence on others.

Papessa (High Priestess) Tarot Card

At that point in time where everything seems unsteerable and calculating a solution to a task feels impossible is when the Papess manifests. She then entreats you to believe in your gut feeling, especially in matters that require some wisdom and nurturing to properly grasp the essence of life.

Papessa (High Priestess) Keywords

Straight posture:

  • Insight
  • Intuition
  • Inner Knowledge
  • Harmony
  • Stillness
  • Knowledge of Mystery
  • Discovery of Truth
  • Feminine Energy
  • Subconsciousness
  • Trust in the flow
  • Receptivity
  • Believing in yourself

The inverted position:

  • Blockage of Knowledge
  • Closure
  • Ignoring Intuition
  • Fear of Truth
  • Resistance
  • Unwillingness to acknowledge reality
  • Manipulation of Information

Papessa (High Priestess) Description

In the system of Papias, the papess is depicted sitting on a throne with a scroll in her hands. She is closed, surrounded by pelerines, and is between two columns – a scroll rests in her hands. The columns stand in the forefront, showcasing the gate between the visible and non-visible realms. She further indicates that not everything can be seen with our eyes, there are levels that require one to comprehend the underlying structures to base the scroll in her hand as a symbol of knowledge and truth. The Pope, on the other hand, appears to be dressed in a simple yet sophisticated robe which symbolizes wisdom and spiritual purity. Her position also emphasizes her balance and harmony which is achieved through the essence of truth discoveries. Priests stand guardians to the realm of the supernatural, beyond the ordinary world. The essence of St. Paul defiles all cognitive reasoning. She maintains her stance, inviting silence, stillness and inner reflection. The priestess is depicted as a calm observer, yet power radiates from her enabling one to go beyond the ordinary bound concepts and understand and comprehend the truth.

Papessa (High Priestess) Upright Meaning

Papessa (High Priestess) General Interpretation Upright

In a straight position, the Papacy symbolizes sudden insight, revelation, clarity. The truth is revealed at the moment when it is time to see it. A person suddenly realizes the situation as it is, and it changes his life. Often the revelation comes calmly, without unnecessary emotions, as if the veil goes away from the eyes and manages to see the truth. This may concern global moments or everyday things – depending on the scale of the issue. Also Papessa denotes female energy, consciousness and subconsciousness, the ability to go in a state of flow.

Important: you already have true knowledge, or it will come soon. Accept it so that you can move on with your life. Trust yourself – you understand everything correctly.

Papessa (High Priestess) in Love Upright

Symbolizes deep feelings and intuitive understanding of the partner, indicating the importance of inner harmony and the ability to perceive relationships on a spiritual level. If you are looking for love, this card reminds you to be open to sincere connections, to trust yourself, and to take your time. If you are already in a relationship, the card shows that it can be spiritually fulfilling and wise. This is the moment when two people understand each other on a soul level.

Papessa (High Priestess) in Career Upright

Now is the time to trust your intuition and inner feelings. This is a time for discovering hidden talents and abilities. It is necessary that those qualities which usually lie outside of one’s daily routine such as true empathy, deeply understanding underlying systems and making crucial decisions based on one’s gut feel are worked upon. When you shift to a new field, it is equally important to let your mind wander and do not hurry. Even if it feels like the solution is not readily available, you possess everything necessary to derive a solution.

Papessa (High Priestess) in Health Upright

This is the harmony of body and mind, the ability to perceive the signals sent by the body. This card states that an individual should pay more attention to their body and what it is trying to express. This is a time of recuperation when an internal reserve of power forms. Not one’s physique alone but a state of mind is important as well.

Papessa (High Priestess) in Personal Growth and Spirituality Upright

Means deeply personal growth and indicates the time when one is likely to realize his potential and during this phase, learning to utilize their inner strength and energy reservoirs is critical. This is a state where following one’s instincts can lead to fundamental change. There are no bounds to what people can achieve and this is what the card seeks to convey. But people have to learn to appreciate the world at a different depth in order to bring this possibility to life.

Papessa (High Priestess)  Reversed Meaning

Papessa (High Priestess) General Interpretation Reversed

Man consciously blocks the knowledge of the truth because it is not profitable for him. The revelation ruins the idea of life, does not correspond to the expectations and vision of the world. It is difficult and painful to recognize it, so it is easier to reject it deep inside.

The important thing is not to resist the knowledge, but to accept it. Sooner or later it will come anyway and make you listen to it.

Papessa (High Priestess) in Love Reversed

Sometimes indicates manipulation and reticence in a relationship. One of the partners may be hiding their true intentions, leading to misunderstandings. It is necessary to find out the truth and avoid situations where one partner has a hidden influence on the other.  

Papessa (High Priestess) in Career Reversed

In the professional world, a loss of intuition is said to occur when a person cannot find the right direction. This is the moment when one begins to act not on inspiration, but under the influence of external circumstances. It is important to return to the inner sources of strength and try to re-establish this contact.

Papessa (High Priestess) in Health Reversed

Reversed, it suggests difficulties in terms of physical health brought on by avoiding feelings or neglecting the messages from the body. Always make sure to manage your emotional health, and allow time for nurturing and healing.

Papessa (High Priestess) in Personal Growth and Spirituality Reversed

The card, when reversed, implies a lessened linkage with one’s inner self. One could be highly doubtful of their skillset or lack confidence. Relate to oneself at the most primal levels and rediscover underlying wisdom.


The High Priestess in Papias’ system is the key to secret knowledge, intuition and truth. She teaches you to listen to yourself, to trust your wisdom and not to be afraid of what is hidden behind the veil of everyday life. When this card appears in the spread, it means that you are opening an important understanding – accept it, even if it goes against the grain. Don’t be afraid to look deep within yourself to find the key to awareness. Want to know what the Papess is saying to you specifically? In the Moonly app, you can draw the card of the day or do a spread to gain a deeper understanding of the arcana’s message. Trust the tarot cards to help you better understand yourself and your path.


What is the advice of the Papessa in Tarot cards?

Trust your intuition and accept the truth that is revealed to you.

Is the Papessa a positive card?

Yes, in the upright position it symbolizes wisdom, insight and inner harmony.

What is the Papessa personality?

A Papess is a person of deep intuition, knowledge, and inner peace who perceives the world through the realization of hidden truths.

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Every day we help people to find themselves, to create inner supports, to be more conscious and happier. We offer everyone the opportunity to find their balance between the spiritual and the material and to develop harmoniously in all areas of life. With us, people discover creative energy, gain the courage to be themselves and live with ease and joy.