Jester Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career and Symbolism

Envision a path opening up right in front of you. The road is untrodden, no one will instruct nor certainly give you an assurance, nevertheless there is freedom, excitement, and the possibility of the unknown. You are standing at the brink of transformation, one that only you can initiate. This is what the Jester is talking about in the Papus system. This Elder Arcana card depicts boundless potential, artistic flares, and the ability to move in spite of obstacles. It is the card of originality, self-confidence, and even of going beyond the limits of civilized society. In case this card is drawn, it signifies the right moment to take a leap, trust one’s intuition, and embrace the unfamiliar.

Perhaps the people around you will discourage you and logic will say “no”. But if you don’t hold back that impulse and allow yourself to follow your energy, a new level of life awaits you.

Jester Tarot Card

It gives the essence of a symbol of independence, accepting new things, and getting rid of limitations. It shows the period when, at least for once, a person is able to step outside of the ordinary, create an astonishing change, and be bold to do something that was considered impossible earlier.

Jester Keywords

Straightforward position:

  • Courage
  • Inspiration
  • Risk
  • Free Will
  • Spontaneity
  • Openness to the world
  • Drive
  • Creative impulse

Inverted position:

  • Obstacles
  • Fear of change
  • Doubt
  • Stopping along the way
  • Challenges faced
  • Negative experiences
  • Taking risks without preparation

Jester Description

This is a special card that has no number and stands apart from the other Arcana. It represents impeccable autonomy and the potential to shape one’s life at will. The card depicts a man in simple clothes suggesting freedom from the material realm. He is striding confidently with a haughty posture. On one hand, he brandishes a sturdy staff, which marks him as a confident individual. On the other hand, he has a small bag resting on his shoulder, a metaphor for the wisdom and experience that he has gained throughout his life which will aid him on the new journey. In front of him is the void, a symbol of the unknown. But he is not afraid because he is guided by his inner confidence. He realizes that there may be difficulties ahead, but only by overcoming them will he achieve true freedom.

Jester Upright Meaning

Jester  General Interpretation Upright

Courage, daring. The energy of the fool is based on the right of free will given to man from above to create his reality. It is the right to act on one’s own, not according to the script of fate. In its purest sense, the impulse of the fool is always creative and positive. When a person catches it and holds on to it, he gets absolutely everything, contrary to all laws of logic. He does brave deeds and achieves goals where it is considered impossible. The fool gives a deep state of confidence that everything will work out, a healthy and easy drive. Other people often doubt, disapprove, or discourage. The main thing is not to listen to them, not to be afraid and keep the energy. With its help you can radically change your destiny, enter another reality. Thanks to courageous deeds and inner faith a person changes his life. Events of a different level and quality begin. The Fool card has the highest potential for change, because it does not obey any laws, not even fate.

Important: Dare. Be bold, unconventional, risky. If you have the courage to go all the way, without looking back at other people, doubts, failures, you will be able to change reality for yourself. But if you are not ready to take risks and go against all odds, it is better not to start – there may be difficulties ahead, and the fool’s impulse is quite hard to keep.

Jester in Love Upright

Represents youth, innovation, and spontaneity. It can either be a sudden romantic encounter or the restoration of an existing one. It can also be a sudden and unexpected journey.

If you are searching for a partner, this card means that you can approach the world without any expectations or fear and let love find you. It can come at the most peculiar of times.

For people in a relationship, the Jester means a new phase: shared voyages, adventures, and experiences. The only rule is to not be afraid of change.

Jester in Career Upright

The card shows new openings and possibilities. You may get a new job or even an unexpected job offer. The card says that you should try not to fret about taking a chance, even when there is no logical strategy mapped out. The time has come to act on your intuition, take charge and do not hesitate to pursue novel avenues.

Jester in Health Upright

Symbolizes a high level of energy and vitality. If you have been ill, this card indicates a speedy recovery and improved health.

It is a gentle reminder that health can deserve or require outbursts of joys and spontaneity, so take up new sports, change your lifestyle, and give yourself the ability to do things that you enjoy.

Jester in Personal Growth and Spirituality Upright

This illustrates the starting of a new journey: one of searching for reality while letting go of existing molds. Remember, there is no harm in venturing into uncharted territories in relation to: yourself, your wishes and your capabilities. This is a card symbolizing the abolishment of boundaries and attaining higher realms of awareness. You might be on the verge of experiencing something profound, the only thing that matters is the unwillingness to isolate yourself from it.

Jester Reversed Meaning

Jester General Interpretation Reversed

Unfavorable circumstances to overcome to reach Shute. These are difficulties the thought of which once stopped a man. He became afraid and did not take the risk. The next time he decides to go that way again, all the negative things he feared will happen. It’s a test: will he have enough determination this time, or will he stop and give up again? If you overcome all the circumstances, then in the end there is definitely success, the creative impulse of the fool. But there is little chance of reaching it, because the path is very hard. Recommendation: Decide if you are willing to overcome all the trials in order to change your life. If you decide to go, then overcome all difficulties without looking back and reach your goal.

Jester in Love Reversed

An inverted Shute indicates instability, unpredictability, and uncertainty. The relationship might be tumultuous, or one of the partners is not prepared for a serious commitment. If you are seeking love, then this card says that you have to self-reflect: are you actually willing to be in a relationship, or are you simply looking for a passing obsession?

Jester in Career Reversed

In a professional context, an inverted Shute can indicate mistakes, unwarranted risks, or fear of change. You may be afraid to take a step forward or, on the contrary, act too quickly. It is important to reconsider your decisions, weigh the risks, and approach the situation consciously.

Jester in Health Reversed

This card is a symptom of your negligence concerning your health. You might be ignoring your body’s requests, or you are being too reckless for your own good. This card calls for you to be more observant for signs of ill health, disallowing overwork, and indeed taking better care of yourself.

Jester in Personal Growth and Spirituality Reversed

But, you have a block in your mind that is not allowing you to move forward. Perhaps you fear moving out of your comfort zone, or perhaps you lack faith in yourself. But, the Jester reminds you that fears are completely fictitious. Having the desire to try new things can significantly alter your life.


The Chess is the card of liberation, bravery and exploring beyond the norms. It’s about that we each have the right to design your own reality; there are, however, some risk and challenges you must be ready for. If this arcana falls to you, it means it is time to act. Believe in yourself, follow your inspiration and you will be able to change your life. Want to know what lies ahead? With the Moonly app, you can pull a card of the day or get a reading that will point you in the right direction. Do not worry – Tarot always lets you know the right answers.


What is the advice of the Jester in Tarot cards?

Be fearless, be bold, be inspired and trust your flames.

Is Jester a positive card?

In a direct position, it does have fantastic potential for change and freedom.

What is the Jester personality?

Because a fool is an adventurous person with a free heart who is not afraid to break the rules and write the fate of his own destiny.

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Every day we help people to find themselves, to create inner supports, to be more conscious and happier. We offer everyone the opportunity to find their balance between the spiritual and the material and to develop harmoniously in all areas of life. With us, people discover creative energy, gain the courage to be themselves and live with ease and joy.