The Major Arcana of the Tarot, Magician, is the 1st Major Arcana card in the Tarot deck. It corresponds to the 1st letter of the Hebrew alphabet, “aleph”. In a spread, it can appear upright or reversed, determining the positive or negative meaning of the card. In this article, we will explore the symbolism, meanings, and interpretations of the Magician card according to the French Tarot system of Dr. Papus.

The Symbolism
On the Magician card, we see a man in white clothes with his hand raised. He symbolizes active energy. Above his head is the symbol of infinity, which means pure impulse — the Magician has no doubts, no contradictions. The snake represents self-sufficiency and wisdom. The cross on the chain is a symbol of the material world. The wand signifies the principle of realization through the creative component.
The Upright Magician Card — General Meaning
An idea bestowed from above. This idea chose an individual to realize itself in the world with his assistance and make it a better place. He already possesses everything necessary for its realization. What is lacking now will come at the right moment. If a person takes everything into his own hands and starts being proactive, he will achieve positive results. The people around typically admire the idea of the Magician, and approve of it. The scale of the idea and the sphere of life affected by it depend on the query: the card’s meaning can range from a good idea in everyday matters to a global idea in significant spreads.
Love and relationships
Analyze — most likely, you have recently had an idea to improve your relationship with a loved one or partner. This idea is definitely a good and meaningful one, and the people around you will appreciate and support it. While it may not be grandiose, it remains meaningful.
Career and finances
Act upon the recent idea that has come to you. You already have everything you need for its realization. The world needs this idea, so you will get the support you need in the process. This idea is definitely a good one and will have a positive impact on your career and finances.
You’ve recently had a good idea related to your health and well-being. Realize it, it will definitely be fruitful.
Self-development and spiritual growth
Your idea related to personal growth is definitely a good one. You have everything you need to realize it. Go ahead, the world will support you.
Card Recommendation
Wait for an idea to appear in the near future. If you already have one, realize it — the world needs it, so the space will support you. While opting not to pursue the idea won’t bring adverse consequences, its realization can significantly enhance your life.
The Reversed Magician Card — General Meaning
The card means a ruined idea. Despite having all the necessary elements for its realization, his actions have harmed it. Perhaps he removed something important from the idea, added unnecessary things, or shared too much about it with others. It can also be that he took too long to plan, waited for luck, or focused on the outer shell, rather than the process of realization.
Love and Relationships
Some time ago you had a promising idea that could have affected your relationship with your partner or loved ones. However, you took the wrong action. Try to analyze how the idea was compromised and take corrective measures.
Career and Finances
You had a good idea, however you failed to implement it well. Something went wrong. This idea was definitely needed in the world and could have benefited your realization at work and your financial situation. Analyze your actions and adjust them in order to implement the idea as you originally intended.
You recently had a good idea related to your health and well-being, but you went in the wrong direction. Reconsider your actions and return to the original idea.
Self-development and spiritual growth
Your idea related to personal growth is promising, but your actions have ruined it. You had everything you needed to realize it. Reflect on what you did wrong and revert to the original plan. There’s still a chance to make things right.
Card Recommendation
Reflect on what you’ve done to the idea — there’s still a chance to fix it and make it happen.

Difference from the Fool
In some spreads, the Magician card can be similar to the Fool Major Arcana. While both cards can signify ideas, they have differences. The Fool means that a person gets creative ideas. They are unconventional, and people do not understand or approve of them. Conversely, ideas that appear in the Magician card are met with the support of the world. People approve of them.
The Magician of the Major Arcana is a meaningful card that brings great ideas to life. Regardless of their scale, they improve a person’s life, so they should be noticed and realized.