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The Judgment Tarot Card: Meaning according to the School of Dr. Papus

The Major Arcana of the Tarot, Judgment (Rebirth), means a powerful advancement, an upsurge, a leap forward. When appearing in spreads, Judgment carries important and large-scale positive changes, facilitating a smooth, sustainable, and painless transition into the new. This card serves as a reminder of the existence of divine patronage, which holds tremendous potential. In this article, we will explore the symbolism, meanings, and interpretations of the Judgment card according to the French Tarot system of Dr. Papus.


Judgment is the 20th Major Arcana in the Tarot deck of Dr. Papus. The Arcana corresponds to the letter of the Hebrew alphabet, “Resh”. In a spread, Judgment can appear upright or reversed, so let’s look at both meanings in more detail.


The card depicts a bright warm day, a terrain flooded with sunshine. At the edge, you can see a gaping hole, near which stand a man, a woman, and a child. The man, with head held high, is looking at an angel floating in the sky, trumpeting a hymn of triumph. The woman and child, standing next to each other, also look up into the sky, extending their hands.

Key meanings:

  • rebirth
  • progress
  • hope
  • divine protection
  • higher justice
  • emergence from darkness into light

The Judgment Card — General Meaning

A card with a positive interpretation, especially if the query concerns some old and stagnant situation. It is like a sigh of relief after a long struggle, the moment when all the difficulties disappear and a new perspective emerges. Judgment is a symbol of change for the better, the confident overcoming of obstacles and getting rid of restrictions. You should not be afraid to embrace this moment, as it is better not to delay the decision.

Love and relationships

The card heralds significant changes in personal life, providing an opportunity to rectify past mistakes, restore harmony, and reconcile with past grievances. This is a time of improvement and renewal of relationships, an opportunity for forgiveness. For those who have been lonely for a long time, Judgment promises an unexpected encounter or the return of lost love.

Career and Finance

The Judgment card often indicates assuming new responsibilities and taking charge of important matters. This can take the form of resuming old projects or deciding to start something new that will lead to an improved financial situation. Sometimes, however, the appearance of the Judgment card can be accompanied by stressful events, including legal proceedings, auctions, or the need for a change of location, up to and including a move to another city or country.


A notable improvement in health, a surge of energy, and recovery from serious illnesses. Judgment symbolizes healing from depression, alleviation of mental and physical tension. It is often associated with rejuvenation, general well-being treatments, and cleansing courses.

Self-development and spiritual growth

The Judgment card brings the awakening of forgotten feelings, thoughts, and ideas, their reassessment, revival of lost images and feelings, infusing them with new strength and attractiveness. This is a time of spiritual restoration, work with karma, comprehension of past experiences, and soul healing. Judgment reveals the path beyond physical reality, allowing you to overcome the limitations of life and reconcile with the karmic consequences of past deeds.

Card Recommendation

The card advises you to embrace rebirth, allowing yourself to open up and trust it. Proceed with confidence, remembering and knowing that fate supports you. If it is regarding the future, expect rebirth — in this case, you will be accompanied by the maximum favorability of the moment and the help of higher powers.

Reversed Judgment Tarot Card — General Meaning

The time of rebirth is coming, but there is resistance to this process, a stubborn fixation on the familiar. There is a realization that certain aspects of the past have become obsolete, but fear and the power of habit prevent you from moving forward. There may be obstacles in the form of people, circumstances, old mental states and mindsets that do not fit the new reality. However, fate will guide you on the journey of detachment from the past and return to rebirth in its purest form.

Love and relationships

In personal matters, the card may indicate drama, separation, or a cooling off in a relationship, as well as the possibility of the dissolution of the family union. It may also signify a change in residence, whether forced or voluntary.

Career and Finance

Reversed Judgment may herald failure or delay in the fulfillment of a project, negative external influences, and difficulties on the way to success. This card warns of possible obstacles and unexpected difficulties that may slow down or prevent you from achieving your goal.


Reversed Judgment suggests a decline in physical health. Sometimes it stems from resistance to change, a lack of initiative to improve the situation. The card serves as a reminder that it is dangerous to postpone decisions, as this can lead to losses and serious problems. Sometimes only decisive actions can change the existing circumstances. Do not be afraid to act, the heavens are protecting you.

Self-development and spiritual growth

Reversed Judgment indicates procrastination and slowness, as well as weakness and cowardice, which may lead to repercussions. Sometimes it indicates missed opportunities or missed invitations, which can cause unrest and unruly situations, as well as conflicts in a group.

Card Recommendation

Letting go of the familiar can be challenging, especially when old habits and patterns creep into a new life, making it difficult to develop. However, it is shedding outdated thought patterns, unnecessary attachments, and circumstances that don’t align with your new goals, that can pave the way for growth and transformation. This departure from the past becomes the key to liberation and the ability to fully realize one’s intentions and dreams.


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