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The Hanged man Tarot card meaning: insights from the French school of Papus

The Hanged Man Tarot card is one of the most enigmatic and profound symbols in the Tarot deck. Rooted in the teachings of French occultist Papus, this card represents a moment of crisis and transformation that arises from deeply ingrained beliefs and attitudes. Unlike many other cards in the Major Arcana, the Hanged Man does not offer an easy solution; instead, it challenges individuals to reassess their inner convictions and embrace change, even when uncomfortable. This article explores the Hanged Man Tarot card meaning, including its upright and reversed interpretations, and its implications in various aspects of life.

Core Meaning

The Hanged Man Tarot card represents a significant problem in the querent’s life, stemming from an incorrect or limiting belief. This belief, which the individual clings to, impedes their growth and confines them within narrow boundaries. As a result, fate intervenes by placing the person in a difficult situation where they have no choice but to act against their long-held convictions.

The Hanged Man Tarot card meaning suggests that the individual is forced into a position where they must do something they never wanted to do, or something they were sure they would never do. The experience of living through the Hanged Man is both painful and distressing. Deep down, the person believes there must be other options and desperately tries to find them. However, the underlying theme of the incorrect belief begins to appear from all directions: unexpected conversations, overheard information, or situations in other’s lives.

In this context, the Hanged Man Tarot card indicates that the issue at hand is a real, pressing problem in the present. The individual must either do what the Hanged Man requires or risk falling into the card’s reversed meaning.

The Hanged man in different life situations


In love and relationships, the Hanged Man often indicates a period of stagnation or the need to reassess one’s beliefs about the relationship. It suggests that the querent may be holding onto a relationship or belief about love that no longer serves them. This could mean that they need to let go of old patterns or expectations to allow the relationship to evolve or to open themselves to new possibilities.


In the context of career, the Hanged Man Tarot card means that the querent may be facing a career-related problem rooted in outdated or limiting beliefs. They might be holding onto a job or role that no longer fulfills them, or resisting necessary changes in their professional life.

In this scenario, The Hanged Man card emphasizes the importance of embracing change. This can be a painful process, as it often involves acknowledging that previous efforts or career paths were based on flawed assumptions. However, by doing so, they can pave the way for new opportunities that better reflect their authentic self.

Reversed position

When the Hanged Man Tarot card appears reversed, it represents a state of resistance and denial. The querent might be refusing to confront necessary changes in their life, clinging stubbornly to their beliefs or behaviors, even when they know deep down that these no longer serve them. This resistance can lead to increased frustration and exacerbate the problem.

The reversed Hanged Man suggests that the querent may be stuck in a state of indecision, avoiding the uncomfortable truth and making excuses to delay the inevitable. This can manifest in various ways, such as refusing to accept responsibility, blaming others, or persistently searching for alternatives that do not require them to change.


In a love reading, the reversed Hanged Man Tarot card can indicate reluctance to let go of a relationship or emotional pattern that is no longer healthy. The querent may be holding onto unrealistic expectations or refusing to see the truth about their partner or the relationship. This resistance can lead to prolonged suffering and hinder the growth that is necessary for true happiness.

The card advises the querent to stop resisting and to face the reality of their situation. It may be time to let go of the relationship or to change the dynamics within it, even if this process is painful.


In a career context, the reversed Hanged Man Tarot card indicates that the querent is resisting necessary changes in their professional life. They may be refusing to acknowledge that their current path is no longer viable, or they might be avoiding the discomfort of making a significant career shift. This resistance can lead to stagnation and missed opportunities.

The reversed Hanged Man Tarot card meaning in career suggests that the querent needs to stop avoiding the inevitable and take action. While it may be difficult, confronting the truth and making necessary changes will ultimately lead to greater fulfillment and success.


The Hanged Man Tarot card is a powerful symbol of transformation and the difficult choices that often accompany it. Rooted in the teachings of Papus, this card represents the struggle to break free from limiting beliefs and the need to confront uncomfortable truths. Whether it appears in readings about love, career, or personal growth, the Hanged Man card meaning emphasizes the importance of letting go, embracing change, and moving forward with a new perspective.


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