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Meaning of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card symbolizes change, the cycles of life, and the influence of fate on our path. This card reminds us that everything in life is subject to change, and these changes can be both positive and negative. The Wheel of Fortune emphasizes the importance of accepting what comes and adapting to circumstances.


— change

— destiny

— cycles

— chance

Card Description

At the center of the card is a large wheel, symbolizing the perpetual motion and changes that occur in life. The wheel is divided into segments that represent different phases of life or cycles of destiny. Surrounding the wheel are three key figures:

— The Sphinx at the top of the wheel, with wings and sword in hand, symbolizes wisdom, knowledge, and control over events. It indicates the ability to control the situation but also reminds us of the impermanence of success. The Sphinx’s position at the top signifies being at the top of the life cycle when everything is going well, but it also warns that the wheel can turn.

— Anubis, rising up the wheel, symbolizes transition, rebirth, and the beginning of a new cycle. It can also represent spiritual ascent or the process of personal growth after difficulties. His upward movement shows that after each decline comes a new rise.

— The Serpent, traveling down the wheel, is associated with chaos and destruction. The Serpent moves downward, symbolizing fall and loss; it reminds us that periods of failure are inevitable parts of the cycle of change.

The card’s background of clouds emphasizes the uncertainty of the future and points to hidden aspects of fate, which are often inaccessible to our understanding.

Meaning of the card in the upright position

In the upright position, the Wheel of Fortune card indicates inevitable changes in your life that may be unexpected but necessary. These changes play an important role in your development and can lead to new opportunities and the successful completion of current endeavors.

Love and Relationships

In love relationships, the Wheel of Fortune can symbolize sudden changes. It could be a new encounter, the development of an existing relationship, or even an unexpected ending. If there have been difficulties in the relationship, the card indicates possible improvement in the situation or a transition to a new stage.

Money and Career

In the area of career and finances, the Wheel of Fortune indicates a significant change that could lead to new opportunities, a promotion, or an unexpected financial gain. The card recommends being open to change and using the chances given to improve your position.


The Wheel of Fortune indicates a change in physical condition, whether it’s an improvement in health or the need to revise your habits to maintain good health.


The card indicates the beginning of a new stage of realization or spiritual growth. This is a time to discover new spiritual practices or learn important lessons that will change your perception of the world.

Meaning of the card in the reversed position

When reversed, the Wheel of Fortune indicates delays, difficulties, and unwanted changes. During this time you might feel that life is not going according to plan and that you have no control over what is happening, there may be a sense of stagnation or loss of control over the situation. You may feel caught in a cycle of problems or setbacks. However, the card reminds you that even difficulties are part of the cycle of life, and overcoming them will teach you important lessons.

Love and Relationships (reversed position)

A reversed Wheel of Fortune card can indicate difficult times, stagnation, or unforeseen problems. Your relationship may be on the verge of breaking down, or you may feel that the situation is not changing. It’s important to remember that all things pass, and better times may come soon.

Money and Career (reversed)

In career and finances, a reversed Wheel of Fortune card can indicate financial difficulties or stagnation in your professional life. Your efforts may not be yielding the desired results, or you might be facing unexpected obstacles. However, this phase is temporary and change will still come.

Health (reversed position)

In terms of health, a reversed card can indicate a delayed recovery or the need to monitor your health more closely. Problems may be temporary but require your attention and patience.

Spirituality (reversed)

Spiritually, you may experience a period of doubt, difficulty in finding your spiritual path, or a sense of loss of direction. This is a time for self-reflection and analyzing what may be causing these obstacles.

The answer is “Yes” or “No”

The Wheel of Fortune card most often indicates a “yes” answer, especially if the question is related to change or a new stage in life. This card symbolizes movement and progress, so the answer to your question is most likely positive.

Wheel of Fortune as a card of the day

When the Wheel of Fortune appears as the card of the day, it predicts a day filled with change and surprises. It is a sign that anything is possible today — both positive and negative events may happen suddenly, altering the usual course of things. The card reminds you that it is important to remain flexible and ready to adapt to change. Luck may be on your side on this day, but it’s also important to realize that any change requires a wise approach and decision-making process.

Wheel of Fortune in combination with other cards

The Wheel of Fortune often interacts with other cards, adding to their meanings and influences. It is important to consider the neighboring cards in a spread to fully understand exactly what the Wheel of Fortune is bringing to the current situation. For example, a combination with the Justice card may indicate the need for balance and good decision-making, while a combination with the Death card may indicate inevitable and transformational change.


The Wheel of Fortune is a powerful symbol of change and the power of fate. It reminds us of the cyclical nature of life and that everything that happens is part of a larger plan. The card teaches us to embrace change with wisdom and a willingness to adapt to new circumstances, whether in love, career, health, or spirituality. Whether the card brings good fortune or adversity, it always highlights valuable lessons to be learned on the path to self-improvement.


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