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5 card Tarot spread


Tarot is an ancient art of divination that uses cards to answer life’s questions. One of the most popular readings is the 5 Card Tarot spread. In this article, we will explore what a 5 card tarot spread is, who it is useful for, and how to do it correctly for accurate predictions.

What is a 5 card Tarot spread?

A 5 Card Tarot Spread is a method of divination that uses five cards. This spread depicts the development of a situation already in motion for a particular person. It is suitable for those seeking clarity in a particular situation, be it personal relationships, career, or other aspects of life. It can be used to help you understand the current dynamics of events, intermediate stages of their development, obstacles along the way, and possible outcomes.

Step-by-step guide to the spread

Step 1: Cleanse and set up the deck.

Before you begin, it is important to cleanse the deck of negative energy. This can be done by burning incense, ringing a bell, or simply shaking the cards. Clear your mind of extraneous thoughts, focus on the question, and trust your intuition to interpret the cards correctly.

Step 2: Formulate the question

Frame your question clearly and specifically, such as “How will the situation with … develop for me?” If asking for someone else, use their full name. You can shuffle the cards while you formulate your question.

Step 3: Shuffle the cards

The order and position of the cards are very important. Place the first card in the top left corner, the second in the top right corner. The third card goes below the first, and the fourth below the second. The fifth card is placed in the center. 

Interpreting the 5 Card Spread

First, interpret each card individually and then combine their meanings to get a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

Each of the five cards has a different position and meaning:

Card 1: Present

The first card shows a snapshot of the present situation — what is happening now. 

Card 2: Future

The second card predicts what will happen in the near future if the situation persists. 

Card 3: Obstacle/Challenge

The third card reveals potential obstacles or challenges.

Card 4: Help

The fourth card reveals what can help you overcome obstacles and help the situation develop the way you want. 

Card 5: Possible Outcome

The fifth card shows where things are heading.


The 5-card Tarot spread is a powerful tool for analyzing current situations and predicting how they will develop. By following these steps, you will be able to get accurate and valuable answers to your questions.


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