The Seven of Cups
Upright position
First Meaning
The feeling of love. It is strong and beautiful but carries illusions and expectations concerning a partner. It can end in parting or develop into love without illusions.
Allow yourself to be in love, to receive its lessons. This feeling has potential.
Reversed position
Lack of love. A person suffers from a lack of emotions, confirmation of a partner's feelings or deserved appreciation at work. They try to feel love and significance, sometimes through pain, tears and quarrels.
Take the initiative and try to take bold but constructive actions.
Second Meaning
A person lives in illusions. They do not know all the details, do not delve into the situation, or consciously refuse to think objectively.
Move away from illusions. Rely on actual facts and conclude the current state of affairs.
Upright position
First Meaning
The feeling of love. It is strong and beautiful but carries illusions and expectations concerning a partner. It can end in parting or develop into love without illusions.
Allow yourself to be in love, to receive its lessons. This feeling has potential.
Second Meaning
A person lives in illusions. They do not know all the details, do not delve into the situation, or consciously refuse to think objectively.
Move away from illusions. Rely on actual facts and conclude the current state of affairs.
Reversed position
Lack of love. A person suffers from a lack of emotions, confirmation of a partner's feelings or deserved appreciation at work. They try to feel love and significance, sometimes through pain, tears and quarrels.
Take the initiative and try to take bold but constructive actions.