The King of Wands
Upright position
First Meaning
Refers to a man born under the sign of Sagittarius, Leo or Aries (according to the western zodiac). Defines him the way he is — with his strengths and weaknesses, characteristics and individual qualities. In this situation, it is favorable for him to be himself.
Be yourself. This is exactly what is required of you.
Reversed position
First Meaning
Refers to a man born under the sign of Sagittarius, Leo or Aries (according to the western zodiac). In this situation, he shows the most serious flaws in his personality, thereby harming himself.
Try not to do this. Work on being smart about your negative traits.
Second Meaning
Describes the character of a man, regardless of the zodiac sign. This is a man with socially approved behavior. His internal reference points, worldview coincide with the accepted norms. He is specific, punctual, polite, with a developed sense of duty. This is a good, proper person with a clear opinion of how things should be and he won't accept anything else. An ideal husband and father. Can be too predictable, put the rules first. The card may describe a man who does not fit this character but behaves like the King of Wands in a particular situation.
Behave properly, as you should.
Second Meaning
Describes the character of a man, regardless of the zodiac sign. Represents the offended King of Wands. It is difficult for him to accept someone else's position and behavior that does not align with his principles. The card may describe a man who does not fit this character but behaves like the King of Wands in a particular situation.
Figure out the situation, find out what motives prompted a person to such actions.
Third Meaning
Social role, status. The card describes a person in power, or simply indicates the status — parent, spouse, leader, colleague or friend.
Act according to your social role. Manifest yourself as you should according to your status.
Third Meaning
A person who breaks the rules as part of their social role. They do not behave according to their status.
Act according to your social role.
Upright position
First Meaning
Refers to a man born under the sign of Sagittarius, Leo or Aries (according to the western zodiac). Defines him the way he is — with his strengths and weaknesses, characteristics and individual qualities. In this situation, it is favorable for him to be himself.
Be yourself. This is exactly what is required of you.
Second Meaning
Describes the character of a man, regardless of the zodiac sign. This is a man with socially approved behavior. His internal reference points, worldview coincide with the accepted norms. He is specific, punctual, polite, with a developed sense of duty. This is a good, proper person with a clear opinion of how things should be and he won't accept anything else. An ideal husband and father. Can be too predictable, put the rules first. The card may describe a man who does not fit this character but behaves like the King of Wands in a particular situation.
Behave properly, as you should.
Third Meaning
Social role, status. The card describes a person in power, or simply indicates the status — parent, spouse, leader, colleague or friend.
Act according to your social role. Manifest yourself as you should according to your status.
Reversed position
First Meaning
Refers to a man born under the sign of Sagittarius, Leo or Aries (according to the western zodiac). In this situation, he shows the most serious flaws in his personality, thereby harming himself.
Try not to do this. Work on being smart about your negative traits.
Second Meaning
Describes the character of a man, regardless of the zodiac sign. Represents the offended King of Wands. It is difficult for him to accept someone else's position and behavior that does not align with his principles. The card may describe a man who does not fit this character but behaves like the King of Wands in a particular situation.
Figure out the situation, find out what motives prompted a person to such actions.
Third Meaning
A person who breaks the rules as part of their social role. They do not behave according to their status.
Act according to your social role.