The Four of Cups
Upright position
First Meaning
Unmet expectations. Things will not turn out the way one thinks. Perhaps a person does not know how best to act to get what they want. In a relationship, it can mean high expectations.
Be prepared that in this matter, things will not go the way you imagine.
Reversed position
Self-deception, self-consolation. Faced with unjustified expectations, a person begins to persuade themselves that this is normal and compares themselves to others. They do not take action and are not yet ready for a change.
Look for ways to get out of the stagnation and step to the next level.
Second meaning
Thinking in circles. A person is stuck in the process of experiencing and discussing the situation. They are not looking for a way out, not ready to act.
Complete this stage of life and move on to the next stage of development.
Upright position
First Meaning
Unmet expectations. Things will not turn out the way one thinks. Perhaps a person does not know how best to act to get what they want. In a relationship, it can mean high expectations.
Be prepared that in this matter, things will not go the way you imagine.
Second meaning
Thinking in circles. A person is stuck in the process of experiencing and discussing the situation. They are not looking for a way out, not ready to act.
Complete this stage of life and move on to the next stage of development.
Reversed position
Self-deception, self-consolation. Faced with unjustified expectations, a person begins to persuade themselves that this is normal and compares themselves to others. They do not take action and are not yet ready for a change.
Look for ways to get out of the stagnation and step to the next level.